Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting your Knuckles Wrapped

Hey Everyone.

I learned a tough lesson today that I'd like to share with you. I sent out my script to my mentor without having read it myself and with already wanting to change it.

Didn't go over too well. In short I made a major faux pas. One thing he said was that you have to always respect your reader and only send out your best. Whenever he gives a script to someone he's very saturated with it from reading it over and over again.

So there are lessons to learn here. One is that I shouldn't have told him I only finished it yesterday and that I haven't read it myself.

The other is that I deserved the lashing because I had been disrespectful to my mentor.

I'll choose the latter. I simply messed up. I'm beyond that - or should be. Always read through something you send out at least five times BEFORE sending it out. That way it's the best you can make it.

Your mentor, agent or anyone else who reads your script is not your hand maiden who makes your career for you.

Grow up and be the best you can be at whatever you can be (forgive the cliche).

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