Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome To My Screenwriting Blog

Hello and welcome to my screenwriting blog.

To start off with, I am an aspiring screenwriter. I haven't got anything produced, yet. But it is my goal to do so.

I started this blog as a way to make myself accountable to not only myself but to others as well. It's one thing to say to your friends, "I'm a Screenwriter" but it's a whole other thing to put it out to the world that this is my dream, this is my goal.

I have a mentor, who is helping me tremendously with improving my writing and I have taken some classes and intend to do more in the future.

I would to invite you to join me on my journey from aspiring to produced screenwriter. I will tell you what I've learned along the way, and give credit to those who have helped me out.

It is also my intention to help and inspire others who are just starting out on their journeys.

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