Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day Breakers Script Review

One of my goals in screenwriting is to read at least one script a week. I will also now post a review every week on my blog.

There are several reasons why - it helps to know how a good script flows so you can apply it to your own writing. Also how a bad one feels so you can avoid it in your own writing. Those are the two biggest reasons why.

It also helps to avoid writing something that's already been written and gives you a better chance to "give us the same but different" (Blake Snyder).

So without further a do here is my review of Day Breakers.

When I first saw in the trailer for Day Breakers I immediately thought - Oh great. Another vampire movie. I had pretty much had my fill of them before 30 Days Of Night and definitely after that as well.

As a result I didn't go see it in the theaters. We must always be big enough to admit our mistakes.

After reading the script I have to confess I made a mistake. Yes it's another vampire movie, but remember the same but different? Most vampire movies are about humans going out to hunt down a lonely vampire.

This one is different, which is probably how it got made.

What it all boils down to is Vampires have replaced humans as the dominant species through a plague. Now humans are an endangered species, hunted to the point of extinction - somewhere out there the dodo bird is laughing. The vampires have to come up with a blood substitute for if and when humans go extinct.

There all small human camps where they fight for survival and I won't spoil the ending for you. Just say to go and rent or buy the movie.

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