Monday, June 28, 2010

Finished Draft 5

Hello and Welcome Back

Today I finished draft five of a script. The next step is to send it to my mentor for feedback. And to take a day or two break - assuming I deserved it.

This was a draft a long time finishing, longer than it probably should have. Main reason in April I lost my mom to a massive stroke and didn't truly have it in me to write at the time. I wonder how long established professionals grieve for lost loved ones. Some people do grieve in their own way. That was the biggest challenge. Once I got back into writing it took pretty quick to finish it.

And that's one thing I also want to talk about today - motivation.

In normal circumstances when I truly didn't feel like working on a script I was usually - about 80 to 90 percent of the time - able to make myself do it anyway. And then fairly quickly I was motivated.

That's something that helped me. So when you're ever feeling like "do I feel like writing or would I rather play video games" ask yourself - which has a better chance of getting you to your goals - writing or video games? Of course you know the answer.

That being said, we are human and like I said 80 to 90% of the time I am able to make myself do my writing anyway. Which means 10 to 20% of the time I am not. Sometimes you really do need a break or you'll burn out.

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