Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Goals

Hello Everyone and welcome back.

Last month I was able to achieve my goal of finishing the sixth draft of the screenplay I was working on.  However I was unbale to cahcive the goal of reading fifteen screenplays and reviewing them.

This month however I will make that as part of my goal to read fifteen scripts and review them.  Also I will be doing my best to complete "The Board" for the seventh draft of the story.

For those of you who don't know what I mean by "The Boar" buy Save The Cat by Blake Snyder to get an indepth description of it.

But to give you the simplified version of it:  The Board is basically a spot on the wall, bulletin board or anything you can think of that will enable you to post index cards or stick it notes on it.  It's sectioned off for Act One, Two and Three - the most normal structure for Hollywood Screenplays.  You use the index cards to denote a scene, what happens in it, the conflict and the emotional change to it.

Remember every scene has a beginning, middle and end to it.  A feature can be seen almost like a whole bunch of short films all rolled into a big massive feature.  I say almost as they all have to tie in together to create payoffs later on in the story.

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