Monday, September 13, 2010

Overcoming Obstacles

Hello everyone and welcome back.

Today I'll talk about overcoming obstacles to our writing.  I had a minor one this week and that was the hard drive on my main computer crashed.  A relatively minor one since I have a lap top as well as a desk top computer.  But what to do in this situation if you don't have a back up computer and can't afford to buy one?

Lots of things:

  1. Work on a scene hand writing it out on paper.
  2. Work on log lines for other stories
  3. Work on the development of another story.  You should always have other stories on the back burner.
  4. Work on five lines for stories.
  5. Work on a beat sheet found in Blake Snyder's "Save The Cat"
Those are just some suggestions.

Some other obstacles you might face are a perceived lack of time.  I say perceived as we all have the same twenty four hours a day in which to find time to do our writing.  You may think you don't have time but I would challenge you otherwise.

One of my main inspirations for this is Bruce Dickinson, the lead singer of Iron Maiden.  Here's the things he does:

  1. Lead singer for a hugely successful heavy metal band.
  2. Commercial airline pilot.
  3. Published novelist
  4. Produced screenwriter for Crowley.
  5. Plus probably the most important thing is he has a family as well.
If a busy rock star can do all that surely I and by extension you can find or make time to write as well.

Here's the stuff I am doing:
  1. Full time security officer at a local university where I do a 3 on 3 off shift rotation.
  2. Part time security guard for a private guard company on my days off.
  3. Working on building a network marketing business.
  4. Working on building an affiliate marketing business.
  5. Working on writing screenplays.
`So there truly are no excuses to not having time to do your writing.  Set aside a block of time where you can do it.  Do your job, spend time with your family but also tell them you need some personal time to work on your writing. 

If it means not watching football or other sports so be it.  What has the potential to make you financially successful sports or writing?  Unless you're an elite athlete it ain't sports.

Look at J.K. Rowling.  She set aside the time for writing and has now become one of the most successful writers ever with the Harry Potter series of books and movies.  While you may not get to that level wouldn't it be better to find out for sure one way or the other?

Keep those thoughts with you as you're writing or doing something else.

Bye for now.

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