Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fright Night Script Review

Hello and welcome back to My Screenwriting Journey.

I've almost finished the board for the 7th draft of the story I'm working on.  And this will be the first script review of the month.

In traditional Hollywood fashion they're doing a remake.  This one is of Fright Night.  Somewhat updated for the time, people are missing in a neighborhood.  The belief is that they have up and left their homes as they haven't been able to make their mortgage payments from the economic downturn.  The main character's former best friend believes it's a vampire that's taking people away.

They also have a sort of Disturbia inspired bit with the main character spying on the neighbor and breaking into his house.

There is also the required horror movie script part where it starts off showing people getting massacred as a "what's to come" for the people of this town.

While I enjoyed reading the script and felt it flowed smoothly with good pace I would say I've pretty much had my fill of all the vampire movies.  Hopefully though it'll be a good movie to watch when it comes out.

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