Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Goliath Script Review

When I read the title to the script I was expecting a story that was going to ram religion down my throat.  I was wrong.  It was a very good action movie, or at least it will be when it's made, that is faith based.

It had some very good action sequences in it as well as moments when you didn't know a character was going to die, but did.

The only weak point is that the hero, David, starts out as a reluctant hero.  He doesn't want the responsibility, he just wants his easy life of being a shepherd.  This has been done before along with the people who convince him to join the fight to save Jerusalem

There was good imagery in it too.  For example it mentions that an area of Jerusalem is a slum that makes Jakarta look like a five start hotel.  Gets the image of the horrible living conditions these people are living in.  They're the lowest of the low, the dregs of the society.

What I learned from reading the script is how to finally write a chase scene.  For example (not from the movie):


She runs down the alley and sees that she's got at a dead end.  She looks around and sees three dumpsters on each side.  A place to hide to postpone or cancel her impending death.  She climbs in to the middle one on her right hoping that her pursuer will choose the opposite side.

As she quietly closes the lid she hears footsteps running towards her.


Mike enters the alley and sees Jane's nowhere to be found.  Could he have guessed the wrong alley?  he scans around and sees the dumpsters.

That's one example of how to do it.  The basic point to doing a chase scene is that you have to show each character's point of view in it not just one.

I hope you enjoyed today's review and lesson.

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