Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday Script Review

Hello and Welcome back.

This week's script review is Interview With The Vampire.

I remember watching this movie back when it came out, before I was thinking enough with the vampire movies. And it was an awesome movie.

As we all know the movie was adapted from the Anne Rice novel of the same same. Which is why the movie got made. Generally novels that sell pretty good have a better chance to get made as the belief is the movie will make money.

But then the script still has to keep you on your toes wondering what will happen next.

And that's what the script did. It kept me engaged, even though after watching the movie I already knew what was going to happen next. It wasn't bored in the least bit watching it.

In reading the script you see where the vampire Louis was in despair after losing his wife (before becoming a vampire) and how in depression he wanted to die. Lestat gave him his "dark gift". and then from there how his self loathing and refusal to feed on humans led him to the fateful meeting with Claudia, the child that eventually became the vampire.

Further down it led to the "murder" of Lestat and then Louis and Claudia left for Europe to find their own kind.

All in all the script was a good read. Watch the movie if you haven't seen it yet.

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