Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Importance Of Fun


Today's blog post is about how your screenwriting must be fun.

Basically you have to enjoy what you're doing in order to get past the doldrums of writing bad screenplays. And trust me you will write bad ones on your first few tries.

This is all part of the learning process. And why you have to enjoy what you're doing as the saying goes "if you enjoy what you're doing, you never have to work a day in your life."

If screenwriting is a chore it will become too easy to give up. After all what's more fun, the chore of washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the house or watching television or playing video games? Exactly.

That said you do have to discipline yourself to get your writing done, but if it's something you enjoy you won't think of it as discipline, you'll hopefully think of it as pursuing your dream or passion.

To quote from the great drummer Rod Morgenstein "If you don't express your passions you'll die disappointed."

That's it for today, stay tuned though as I may ad more in new posts to this topic and I'll soon be adding a book review.

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