Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Script Review 2 days late


today is my Sunday Script review for July 18, 2010. Two days late. I apologize for the delay as i had other business I had to attend to. But to make it up to you I am going to do something special. My mentor sent me a website that he says pretty much equals a screenwriting course.

The website is www.mediafire.com/thescriptlist.

To start I will begin with the file 40 Days of Screenplays and actually follow that for 40 days. After that I will go back to my weekly script review of one script per week.

The first one is Back To The Future. The script was written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale. Unless you've been living under a rock or were born after the year 1985 you definitely know what the movie is about.

For those of you who don't the story is a kid, Marty McFly accidentally travels back in time thirty years to see his mother and father as teenagers in high school. Things happen and his mother falls for Marty and he has to recreate the circumstances that get his parents back together. He does but things happen differently and when he gets back to the future things have changed.

So that's the basic story. I've seen the movie a couple of times and even then the script still kept me engaged. That's the hallmark of good writing. It creates a good image in the head. You can actually visualize what is happening as you're reading.

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