Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Save The Cat Strikes Back

For you screenwriters who have been living under a rock you have most definitely heard of the late great Blake Snyder's Save The Cat franchise from the earlier two books Save The Cat, the last book on screenwriting you'll ever need and Save The Cat Goes To The Movies, The Screenwriter's Guide to Every Story Ever Told.

Prior to his untimely death last year Blake finished the third book in his series Save The Cat Strikes Back, More Trouble for Screenwriters to get into . . . and Out of.

He teaches structure but in a thoroughly entertaining way which is why I loved the first book so much.  As well as the second.  I bought the third book with a little trepidation - I mean how can he better the first two?

Well he did.  By following his own advice to "give us the same but different" he expanded on the concept.

Not just to make a good logline but how to do it and why as well.  The why to make a killer logline is that it's pretty much the elevator pitch - where you have twenty seconds (if that) to sell your story.

Some other aspects include: 

  • He delves further into how to make the third act and finale so strong it'll blow your readers hair back.
  • How to keep your story focused. While you can have multiple story arcs going on your main focus should be on one person's viewpoint.
  • What to do when you get an agent and how to get one.
  • So much more.
So my recommendation is for you all to go out and buy the book.

Before there's any comments about structure you must remember how important it is.  In order for a house to be solid you need it to have a formula or sound structure.
Knowing story structure for writers is like knowing scales for musicians.
So get a good grasp on structure and proper screenplay format and keep attempting to come up with good stories.

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